Festival of the Fae: Standard Cascade

Play Arclight Phoenix Blue as your Standard Cascade deck to quickly earn those cosmetic upgrades!

Arena-Formatted Decklist:

4 Discovery // Dispersal (GRN) 223
4 Arclight Phoenix (GRN) 91
4 Creeping Chill (GRN) 66
4 Drowned Secrets (GRN) 39
4 Opt (XLN) 65
17 Island (XLN) 265
4 Mission Briefing (GRN) 44
1 Maximize Altitude (GRN) 43
4 Radical Idea (GRN) 52
4 Watery Grave (GRN) 259
4 Unsummon (M20) 78
4 Merfolk Secretkeeper (ELD) 53
2 Brazen Borrower (ELD) 39


Mulligan aggressively to Drowned Secrets and the cascade will ensure that you never run out of gas. The free spell trigger makes it very easy to reanimate Phoenix as early as turn 3.