Magda, Brazen Outlaw is a fun combination of flavor and power that it’s an exciting Commander to try to build around. We can use the sorely underused Dwarf tribe as a totally new way to cheat out some of the Dragon and artifact all-stars that more commonly make appearances in Commander.
Let’s start by taking a look at all of the Dwarves that have good tap abilities on their own:
There are a fair number of decent options, but not so many that this can be our entire strategy. What if we look at the cheap Dwarf creatures and take an aggressive approach? It should be possible to get in multiple swings with these early creatures, especially since there are several 1-drops.
Another good way to tap our Dwarves after our opponents establish blockers is with Vehicles (note that Magda is obviously a great inclusion in any Depala, Pilot Exemplar Commander deck). There are several passable Vehicles that we would be happy to play:
Our Dwarves can use a little help in their search for treasure. Let’s see if we can enlist the help of any Pirates:
Red’s ability to untap creatures and generate additional combat steps seems perfect for this deck, both for our enablers and our payoffs. It helps that a couple of them are even Dragons themselves. The repeatable effects can go infinite if we have enough Dwarves that are able to attack without dying.
Finding powerful Dragons and artifacts as payoffs for this deck’s enablers is trivial, but while we’re here we may as well point out some of the noteworthy Dragons that would be awesome for Magda to search out. Some of these simply have to be included for flavor reasons as well.
The artifact payouts can really be taken in any direction that you wish, with many powerful combo or just raw power options that you like. However, we want to provide a short list of interesting cards that either deal with the tapping and untapping mechanic or are powerful with tons of Treasure tokens entering and leaving the battlefield.
After this brewing session and finding all of these various packages for how to build around Magda, we’re excited to try this deck! It seems fun to start a game of Commander with a crappy 1-mana 1/1 and actually have the ability to win games, not to mention the fun flavor tying all three portions of the deck together. (Also: please note that we are writing this article with Magda as only the third card spoiled from Kaldheim, there are surely going to be some more sweet Dwarf creatures that we get to include as well!)