Commander: Kykar, Wind's Fury

kykar, wind's fury art

Kykar, Wind's Fury is one of the first Legendary creatures spoiled from Core Set 2020, and it looks like an awesome Commander. It combines the "spells matter" aspect of the various Izzet Commanders with the ability to create a large tribal board presence of aggressive Boros Commanders. We may have gone a bit overboard in identifying all of the top cards to play with Kykar, but that's just because there are so many different ways you can build the deck!

Commander: Kykar, Wind's Fury

Kykar, Wind's Fury

Top Tier Synergies (Reasons to play a Kykar Commander deck):

Anointed ProcessionBonus RoundBreath of FuryCathars' CrusadeClash of RealitiesCoat of ArmsDeploy to the FrontDevout InvocationDistant MelodyEphara, God of the PolisEpic ExperimentFinale of PromiseFrantic SearchGoldnight CommanderHaze of RageJeskai AscendancyKindred ChargeKindred DiscoveryMana EchoesMentor of the MeekMetallurgic SummoningsMind's DesireMirror EntityMirrorweaveMizzix's MasteryMonastery MentorMurder of CrowsNomads' AssemblyObelisk of UrdPast in FlamesPurphoros, God of the ForgeRibbons of the ReikaiSaheeli, Sublime ArtificerSensei's Divining TopSentinel TowerShared AnimositySkullclampSunbird's InvocationSunforgerSwarm IntelligenceThousand-Year StormThrone of the God-PharaohValor in AkrosWindbrisk Heights

Strong Synergy with Kykar, Wind's Fury

Arcane Denial (Axe)Aria of FlameAzorius CharmBattle ScreechBurn at the StakeClone LegionCoastal PiracyCyclonic RiftDack FaydenDictate of HeliodDivine VisitationDocent of Perfection // Final IterationDreadhorde ArcanistDrogskol CavalryElspeth TirelEmpty the WarrensExpansion // ExplosionFervorFinale of RevelationFiremind's ForesightFiremind's Research - Foil Draft Weekend PromoGravitational ShiftHammer of PurphorosHelm of the HostHour of ReckoningIgnite the BeaconImpact TremorsIsochron ScepterJace's SanctumJaya Ballard, Task MageJeskai CharmKeiga, the Tide StarLong-Forgotten GoheiMagus of the MoatMass CalcifyMission BriefingMoatMurmuring MysticMystic RetrievalMystical TutorNarset TranscendentNarset's ReversalOmnisciencePath of BraveryPrimal Amulet // Primal WellspringPyromancer's GogglesReforge the SoulRemandRewindRyusei, the Falling StarSeething SongShared TriumphSnapcaster MageSpelltwineSphinx's RevelationSphinx-Bone WandStorm HerdSupreme PhantomTaigam, Ojutai MasterTalrand, Sky SummonerThe Mirari ConjectureThing in the Ice // Awoken HorrorTwilight DroverUnwinding ClockWaves of AggressionWindreader SphinxWinds of ChangeWorld at WarYosei, the Morning StarYoung Pyromancer

Kykar Fuel

AnticipateBrainstormCrash ThroughCrimson WispsDig Through TimeDragon MantleElectrolyzeEnlightened TutorExpediteFact or FictionFaithless LootingGambleGitaxian ProbeImpulseLight Up the StageMagmatic InsightMerchant ScrollNeedle DropOptOvermasterPeer Through DepthsPonderPreordainQuickenRenegade TacticsSerum VisionsSleight of HandSwords to PlowsharesTelim'Tor's EdictTreasure CruiseWarlord's Fury

Artifact Mana that casts Kykar on Turn 3

Azorius SignetBoros SignetColdsteel HeartFellwar StoneFire DiamondIzzet SignetMarble DiamondMind StoneSky DiamondSol RingTalisman of ConvictionTalisman of CreativityTalisman of ProgressThought VesselWayfarer's Bauble

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Michael Schuller