Wizards of the Coast has just announced Pioneer as the newest format that will receive support on both Magic Online and in tabletop with PTQs and several Grand Prix events showcasing the format next year. The exciting part is that there's virtually no banned list to start with (only fetchlands are excluded), so it's a brewer's paradise! Not since the invention of Modern has there been a better time to go on a brewing frenzy to figure out what is possible in a new format. We've done some of the initial legwork for you by scouring the entire list of 6,410 cards that are currently legal in the format and eliminating 87% of them so that you don't have to look at the draft chaff. What we've compiled here is a list of every card that could potentially be playable, whether it's a format staple, a role-player in certain archetypes, a sideboard card, or a build-around type card to get those creative juices flowing. Go ahead and bookmark this page to use as a reference when brewing – we certainly will be!
Check out our lists for the other colors here:
Pioneer Playable Cards List – White
Pioneer Playable Cards List – Blue
Pioneer Playable Cards List – Red
Pioneer Playable Cards List – Green
Pioneer Playable Cards List – Colorless
Pioneer Playable Cards List – Lands
Pioneer – Notable Sideboard Cards
Pioneer Playable Card List – Mono Black (Creatures)
Pioneer Playable Card List – Mono Black (Noncreature Spells)
Pioneer Playable Card List – Orzhov
Pioneer Playable Card List – Dimir
Pioneer Playable Card List – Golgari
Pioneer Playable Card List – Rakdos
Pioneer Playable Card List – Black (3+ colors)
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